The Multi-Faceted Challenges of Health Technology in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Pamela Steele, Foyeke Tolani, Lakshmy Subramanian
Technology has emerged as an important tool to improve health outcomes by promoting better access to healthcare and essential medicine. However, many people lack access to health technology due to various challenges faced by low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The lack of technology can contribute to the deterioration of public health and increase the burden on already constrained health systems. This paper seeks to provide an overview of the mentioned challenges from a multi-disciplinary perspectiv...
23rd October 2019
Interventions to Improve Access to Medicine in Developing Countries: Mapping WHO’s Building Blocks and Supply Chain Functions
Pamela Steele, Lakshmy Subramanian, Foyeke Tolani
Access to medicine remains poor and inequitable in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This is a complex and multi-dimensional issue calling for holistic solutions. Studies in this area focus on singular disciplines, highlighting one or two main issues; this paper seeks to consider this issue from a multi-disciplinary perspective. It first enumerates the supply chain bottlenecks which lead to poor access to medicine. Since access is dependent on a host of factors, it is critical to under...
21st June 2019
Supply Chain Maturity in Frontier Markets
Pamela Steele Associates Ltd
Using the Frontier Markets Supply Chain Maturity Model to Improve Supply Chain Performance in Resource-Constrained Environments One of the challenges for supply chains functioning under extreme resource constraints is to find a relevant framework or model which applies realistic expectations for capabilities and performance and provides a common language for partners and stakeholders. Here we propose the Supply Chain Maturity Model as one such framework.
15th February 2019
Root Cause Analysis: Examples of Factors that Affect Access to Benefits
Pamela Steele Associates Ltd
This flowchart maps out supply chain factors that could reduce the benefits of medicine.
14th February 2019
Ten Characteristics of Well-Functioning Public Health Supply Chains
Pamela Steele Associates Ltd
14th February 2019
Achieving Operational and Financial Self-Sustainability: an Approach for Public Health Supply Chains in Frontier Markets
Pamela Steele Associates Ltd
For many years, the development community has focused on ‘sustainability’ across many areas of public health. We find that ‘sustainability’ can have several definitions and meanings for different stakeholders, which makes it a challenge to converse about clearly with governments. This paper aims to define the categories and focus areas of a ‘self-sustaining supply chain,’ in the sense of a supply chain that can sustain itself without external involvement.
12th February 2019
Driving supply chain transformation through monitoring and evaluation
Pamela Steele Associates Ltd
PSA synthesised and expanded upon the lessons learnt during IAPHL-moderated discussions on M&E. In drawing these sources together, we hope to offer practitioners a deeper dive into the M&E challenge, and clearer guidance on how to approach it.
22nd August 2018
The role of Information Technology in Public Health Supply Chains: current challenges and future opportunities
Pamela Steele, Dr Silvia Rossi
This paper is the first in a series focusing on the successful implementation of Information Technology (IT) in public health supply chains in developing countries.
1st June 2017
KEMSA after the Devolution: Financial Sustainability through a Supply Chain Strategy with a Strong Focus on Human Resources and Leadership
The case study describes the transition of the public health supply chain for medical commodities in Kenya. In 2004 there were 11 parallel supply chains operating in the country. Since then, the national supply chain system has gone through a significant restructuring, which started with the devolution of health care to the 47 counties established with the new Constitution in 2010. The devolution has also seen the rise of the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) as a leading actor, which has increased...
1st May 2017
The people factor: An analysis of the human resources landscape for immunization supply chain management
Musonda Kasonde, Pamela Steele
This landscape analysis of HR in the Immunization Supply Chain was preceded by an HR Evidence Review (March 2014) and has served to inform global partner strategies and country activities, as well as highlight where most support is required. The study also aimed to define the status quo in order to create some form of baseline against which to measure the impact of interventions related to HR going forward. Source: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.01.084
19th April 2017
Mainstreaming Gender in Health Supply Chains IAPHL Online Discussion Analysis
Pam Steele, Andrew Brown, Aggie Kalungu-Banda
The field of humanitarian logistics and health supply chain management has remained the domain of men, despite a seemingly neutral gender balance, and even a tilt in favour of women within many NGOs (Tatham and Kovács, 2009). As such, the question of why there are so few women in health supply chains and humanitarian logistics has recently risen to prominence within the health logistics literature, particularly when it comes to the last mile due to the majority of beneficiaries being women and children (...
1st December 2015
Sustainable solutions, Strong Leadership for better National Health Care Systems
Pamela Steele
The recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa demonstrated that the health supply chain is the first component of the health system infrastructure to be aggressively challenged at the outbreak of an epidemic. Unreliable access to medicines and other health supplies remains one of the leading causes of preventable deaths and poor health outcomes in developing countries. Source: https://www.devex.com/news/sustainable-solutions-strong-leadership-for-better-national-health-care-systems-86615
31st July 2015
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Health Supply Chain Professionals
Pamela Steele Associates Ltd
20th July 2015
PtD Human Resources for Supply Chain Management IAPHL Online Discussion Analysis
People that Deliver
Without access to and appropriate use of quality medicines and health commodities, health systems lose their ability to meet the treatment and prevention needs of the patients and clients they serve. The health supply chain workforce is crucial if the health-related Millennium Development Goals are to be attained and health equity achieved. The People that Deliver (PtD) Initiative brings together a range of global stakeholders with expertise in supply chain management to focus on this human resources (HR)...
20th July 2015
GAVI Supply Chain Strategy People and Practice Evidence Review
Pamela Steele
A strong vaccine supply chain that improves access to immunization in all GAVI eligible countries is critical to GAVI’s mission to save children’s lives and protect people’s health. However, developments in immunization and GAVI’s increasing vaccine investments are placing a strain on the vaccine supply chains built to deliver vaccines. Recognizing the importance of this work, the GAVI Alliance partners, GAVI Secretariat, WHO, UNICEF, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are currently desig...
20th July 2015